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Step By Step Early Intervention Society


Step by Step Early Intervention Society is a charitable organization providing exceptional early childhood education and therapeutic support for developmentally delayed and disabled children and their families. 

Early intervention helps children who might be missing crucial developmental milestones to make the most of their abilities and skills during their early years. If your little one does need extra help, our early intervention partner, Step By Step, is here to help navigate government funding and supply highly trained individuals to support your child in our classroom environment.  

Step by Step provides programming to children between 2 years & 8 months to 6 years accessing Program Unit Funding (PUF) or Mild/Moderate Funding (M/M). If your child has been screened and found to have developmental delays, they may be eligible. 

As a part of our partnership, Step by Step will complete speech and language screenings for children attending Learn and Play in the spring. If you are interested in having your child screened, please let us know. 



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Preschool program

Early Years Math

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